The Clock ticked 2.a.m and there was no sign of sleep. At First, random thoughts performed on the mind screen and made the night more uncomfortable. There was no rest even on earth’s coziest place. Suddenly the mind stopped and started to think about a single thing, which was more of a question, an eternal question. The question which is personal to everyone, a question untamed. ‘What is the one thing that makes you happy’, a thing which makes you tick.
Struck by the heaviest of questions, when the mind is supposed to wander in the heaven and dream about the possible along with the impossible way to achieve them. Arghh!!, why is the sleep so betraying today. Maybe coz this is important, maybe coz there was no time for this, while running around the probabilities. The question grew stronger and floodlight of feelings started to focus on the same. Uneasiness grew, breathe came in deep and at longer intervals. Then came in the options (the probabilities), a sudden relief came along. But the question still stood tall.
Is it money, is it relationships, is it success, is it fame … For God’s sake what is that one thing. Then, even during the time of such crisis, the mind decided to find the answer once and for all. The pursuit started at the unlikeliest of time. Instances, Experiences, Stories and Facts started flashing as if going on live. Some Problems resurfaced, Some Wounds unhealed; but for the first time the focus did not shift. This question had asked for consideration before, but the intensity never this strong, the determination not this sturdy.
Now, the mind began to solve the mystery of life. The tangled knots of life’s thread began to take its form. The actual reason, the mission of this journey called life began to find its place. The one thing that would give all the answers, a concern worth dedicating this life for. Eureka! Shouted the heart, agreed shouted the mind. For the first time, the mind did not weigh the profits against investments. This agreement gave life all it required; a night worth investing.